About Shannon Oaks Family Dental

At Shannon Oaks Family Dental, we take great pride in offering our patients exceptional dental care, and that starts with having a knowledgeable, experienced dental team who has seen just about everything. Our practice has also been designed to replicate a more home-like atmosphere to keep our patients comfortable and relaxed throughout their visits.

Schedule your appointment

Want to learn more about our office or schedule your next visit with our team? Please contact us!

Family Dental Care for All Ages

Shannon Oaks Family Dental is proud to accept patients of all ages and dental backgrounds.

We love working with children and adults alike, and we are able to cater our services to each patient based on their unique dental needs as well as their age. Our team wants all of our patients to have positive experiences in our office, but we spend a little extra time with our pediatric patients to ensure they feel comfortable and safe. We find that when kids have great experiences at their family dentist, they tend to be more likely to continue visiting the dentist regularly well into adulthood!

Same-Day Emergency Dentistry

While we hope your family never has to schedule an emergency appointment with our office, our Cary dental team is here to assist should you or a loved one ever need prompt emergency treatment.

Dental emergencies can range from damaged teeth to dislodged adult teeth to dental abscesses. If you believe you need to schedule a visit with an experienced emergency dentist in Cary as soon as possible, please give our office a call. Advanced notice allows our team to clear our schedule and begin preparing a treatment room so we can provide care as soon as possible.

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