Dental Crowns & Bridges in Cary, NC!

Dental crowns and bridges are among the most common and convenient restorative treatments. Whether you have a damaged or missing tooth, you’ll benefit from our dental crowns and bridges in Cary, NC. The journey to restore your smile if you have one or more missing or damaged teeth doesn’t have to be challenging! Explore dental crown and bridge options near you by giving us a call to set up your appointment!

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What are Dental Crowns?

Severe decay, cracks, and other dental problems can affect the strength of a tooth and cause pain. A dental crown, also referred to as a tooth cap, fits over the top of a damaged tooth. Dental crowns are custom designed in the shape and color of the original tooth to enhance the strength and appearance of the tooth while blending with the rest of your natural teeth.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is similar to a dental crown but with the addition of artificial teeth to replace missing teeth. A dental bridge can replace one or more missing teeth. By replacing severely damaged or missing teeth with a dental bridge, the gap of missing teeth is restored, as well as your bite, and the natural shape of your face, speech, and overall oral health greatly improves.

How are Dental Crowns and Bridges Placed?

Dental crowns and bridges require some preparation. For a dental crown procedure, you can expect a tiny amount of your natural enamel to be shaved for the dental crown to fit well and for impressions of your tooth to be taken to craft your dental crown. For a dental bridge, the teeth that will hold the crown for the bridge will be prepped, and impressions will be taken, as well as measurements to craft the dental bridge to fit securely when bonded or fastened to the surrounding teeth. Before you leave our office with your permanent dental crown or bridge, we will ensure your restoration fits comfortably and blends seamlessly!

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