Restorative Dentistry in Cary, NC!

Shannon Oaks Family Dental practices conservative dentistry, which means we never recommend services to our patients that we don’t believe are absolutely necessary. Should we detect an issue, our team will work diligently to create a custom treatment plan that utilizes the least invasive services required to restore your oral health and have you smiling big again in no time.

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Interested in learning more about our restorative treatments or scheduling a consultation? Please contact us!

Tooth-Colored Fillings

When a small area of decay occurs on a tooth, tooth-colored dental fillings are often used to “fill in” the area once the decayed portion has been removed. Patients often prefer tooth-colored fillings over silver fillings due to how natural they look and their ability to blend in with the rest of their smile. Less of the natural tooth has to be removed in comparison to silver fillings as well.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that are designed to fit over weak and damaged teeth and instantly restore their appearance. Dental crowns work well in situations where a tooth needs extra support and protection from a dental restoration, but is not damaged enough to need to be removed entirely. Dental bridges are similar to crowns, except they fit over three or more teeth at a time and can also be used to replace missing teeth.

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Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are performed when an infection occurs inside a tooth.

To access the inside of the tooth, a small hole is created, and the infected dental pulp is then removed. Once the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed, a restoration like a dental crown is placed over it. Root canals are very important for restoring infected teeth and preventing infections from spreading and causing additional damage.

Full & Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a minimally-invasive tooth replacement option for patients missing a single tooth or a few teeth on one arch. They are designed to mimic the appearance of the patient’s natural teeth and clip onto the surrounding teeth to stay in place. Full dentures are used to replace an entire arch of teeth at once, and they are often secured in place using denture adhesive.

Dental Extractions

We always want our patients to keep their natural teeth as often as possible, but sometimes, gentle dental extractions are necessary for patients to maintain positive oral health. Our team can assess the health of a tooth to see if it can be repaired or if it needs to be removed and replaced. After the tooth is removed, we can provide you with a variety of natural-looking tooth-replacement options to complete your smile.