Dental Sedation in Cary, NC!

If dental anxiety has prevented you from scheduling or attending dental visits in the past, our team would be happy to discuss our dental sedation options with you. Dental sedation can help make dental visits easier, whether you just need a routine cleaning or you’re scheduling a surgical procedure.

Schedule your appointment

To learn more about our services or schedule your next visit with our team, please get in touch with our office, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

What are my options for dental sedation?

Shannon Oaks Family Dental offers two great choices for dental sedation:

Nitrous Oxide is a clear, odorless gas that is administered through a comfortable nose mask throughout the patient’s treatment. It’s also known as laughing gas, and it is commonly utilized by patients with mild anxiety and those who are undergoing shorter, less invasive treatments.

Oral Conscious Sedation involves taking a prescription medication at a designated time to enter a deeply relaxed state during the appointment. Its effects can last for many hours. Patients with severe anxiety and those who are undergoing lengthy, invasive treatments utilize oral conscious sedation more often.

*Our office does not offer IV sedation.

Is dental sedation safe?

At Shannon Oaks Family Dental, safety is our number one priority.

We always review each patient’s medical history, medications, treatment plan, and current health status to determine if dental sedation will be a safe and effective choice for them. If you have any questions or concerns for our team, please don’t hesitate to ask. It’s important to us that our patients always be informed about the treatments that they are receiving and feel completely comfortable and safe in our care.

Can I drive home after receiving sedation?

Patients who receive nitrous oxide are typically fine to drive themselves home post-treatment, as the majority of the effects of laughing gas usually wear off within a few minutes of breathing normal air.

If you feel like you need some extra time once your treatment is complete, you’re welcome to wait in our lobby until you feel comfortable driving. Patients who utilize oral conscious sedation need to have a friend or family member wait for them in the waiting room during their treatment to drive them home afterward.

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